How A Utility Became Its Own Solar Plant

Solar energy has been around for centuries, with evidence of solar heating and cooking dating back to 3000 BC. While the use of solar power was once limited to small isolated communities, it is now becoming more mainstream with the advent of solar panels and other renewable energy technologies. 

Solar power in Sri Lanka  has many benefits that make it an attractive option for utilities. Solar panels are durable and will last many years, even in the roughest weather conditions. Solar power is also reliable, with minimal down time when compared to other sources of energy. 

This makes solar power a good choice for utilities that need to ensure 24/7 power availability for their customers. Additionally, solar power is emissions-free, so it is a good option for utilities that are looking to reduce their environmental impact.

Solar power is a growing industry in Sri Lanka, but there are several challenges to its growth. In this article, we explore some of these challenges and discuss how SolarCity is working to overcome them.


Solar power is affordable. Solar technology has been evolving rapidly over the past few years, meaning that prices for solar panels have come down significantly. As solar technology continues to advance, prices will continue to fall even further. This means that solar power is increasingly becoming a viable option for both large and small businesses and homes across the globe.