Health Benefits Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Pink Himalayan salt has been used since early times as a natural remedy for various ailments and conditions. The earliest archaeological finds of medical treatments using this rock were made at approximately 5000 B.C. The name Himalayan comes from the Himalayan mountains, where the salt was excavated from. A variety of ailments can be treated with its properties, including edemas (softening of the bones), dysentery, kidney disorders, constipation, stomach disorders, liver problems, toothache, etc. Its curative powers are believed to stem from its high concentration of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and chloride.

Pink Himalayan salt was one of the world's first natural remedies for treating ailments. It was used by ancient Indian yogis as a treatment for constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, sore throats, dysentery, snake-bites, etc. The salt was thought to enhance strength, improve immunity, and treat various infections. It was considered a valuable source of minerals and trace elements that were required for human body maintenance.

Although the medicinal value of ancient sea salts was doubted by many in the past, recent studies have revealed that the salts can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, studies also reveal that Himalayan salt can reduce stress and improve mood. These benefits make it extremely popular today. Himalayan salt not only acts as an antiseptic, but can also provide relief from various respiratory ailments such as asthma, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, lung, and ear infections. Many doctors also suggest the intake of this natural remedy for children who suffer from asthma.

Although, the value of ancient medicines prepared from salt was doubted in the past, recent studies have revealed that Himalayan salt can be used in treating cancerous cells. This makes it highly suitable for treating malignant tumors. However, it should be noted that although many countries have banned the mining of this mineral, it is still mined in several parts of the world including Pakistan, India, and Tibet.

Although Himalayan pink sea salt and kosher salt are both table salts, their effects and use are very different. For instance, table salt can be used for baking and cooking, whereas Himalayan salt cannot. Himalayan salt can help cure various respiratory ailments such as cough and fever, while table salt does not. In addition, it contains trace minerals that improve blood circulation and thus help in curing various diseases and improving health.

Himalayan pink salt has become highly popular with spa salons and other natural body care centers for several reasons. Most of the products sold in these stores are made from this type of salt, as it is extremely refined and purified. The fact that it is free from pollutants helps to make it ideal for spa salons. Since this salt is an outstanding alternative to synthetic chemicals and fragrances, many people prefer it for their body scrubs and other skincare products. It also helps to produce healthy skin and hair because of its rich properties that include anti-oxidants and calcium.

Apart from the benefits of using Himalayan salt for skin and hair care, it has also been found to contain several other healthy qualities. One of its most important properties is its rich mineral content which includes sodium, sulfur, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper, and selenium. It is also rich in Vitamins A, C, E, B-complex vitamins, and beta carotene.

In addition to all of these trace minerals, Himalayan pink salt also provides your skin with added moisture. It helps to reduce dryness and irritation on the skin and hair. Due to its high amount of trace minerals, it helps to rejuvenate and revive the body. Many people use it for their cooking as well, because it adds a healthy touch to food.