Importance Of Using The Right Type Of Insulation

When you insulate your ductwork, it becomes one less thing for your home's heating and cooling system to have to worry about. In order to get the most out of your insulation, you'll want to make sure the type you choose is the right one for your home. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing insulation: 

1) Your home's climate – Different types of insulation work better in different climates. For example, fiberglass batts work well in warm weather, but they may not be as effective in cold climates.  For more information about duct board panels you can check online resources.

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2) Your ductwork – If your ductwork is made of metal, fiberglass, or other materials that conduct heat, then you'll need to use a more specific type of insulation. Foam boards or batting won't work well on these systems. 

3) Your roof – Roofing material can also affect how well insulation works. For example, asphalt shingles block a lot of heat from reaching the inside of your home, so you'll need to use a different kind of insulation on top of them.

Duct board insulation is typically used in air conditioning and heating systems in residential and commercial buildings. It is a type of thermal insulation that is installed between the interior walls of ducts or pipes and the building envelope. Duct board insulation is also used in factories, warehouses, and other large industrial spaces.