Tips For Picking The Right Concrete Flooring Flakes In Geelong

Concrete flooring is a very popular option for an area that needs to be protected from moisture, spills, or dirt. Unfortunately, concrete is not ideal in every situation as it does not protect against physical foot traffic and can also become slippery when wet.

When choosing flakes for concrete flooring, it is important to consider the type of floor you have and the needs of your specific room or area. If you are unsure what type of flooring flakes to choose, visit a concrete contractor to review your options and get advice. 

If you are installing new floors, there are several factors you should consider when selecting concrete flooring flakes: 

  • If you want a smooth surface, choose cold mix flake flooring; if you want a textured surface, choose hot mix flake flooring 

  • If the area is small, choose small flake sizes; if the area is large, choose larger flake sizes 

  • The harder the Flake Flooring material is, the longer it will last before needing to be replaced

If you are replacing an existing floor, you will need to determine the type of flakes that were originally installed. Most commonly, there are two types of floors – hot mix and cold mix. Hot mix floors are made with a hot liquid mixture that is then poured into molds and allowed to harden. Cold mix floors are made with aggregate and gravel that is placed in molds and allowed to set. By choosing the right type of concrete flooring flakes, you can ensure that your floors are both durable and look great.